McKenzie Valley Long Term Recovery Group

In Action

Discover the incredible work our team is engaged in to help in the recovery of the McKenzie Valley.

For real-time updates and valuable insights, connect and follow us on our social media pages.

Key Highlight:
Governor’s Visit to the Valley

December 2023: Our Executive Director, Devin Thompson, had the privilege of meeting with Governor Kotek and staff as part of the One Oregon Listening Tour. It was wonderful to be in the company of organizations united in their collaborative efforts for the recovery of the McKenzie Valley.

The photo features representatives from Lane County Government, McKenzie Schools, McKenzie Fire & Rescue, McKenzie Community Land Trust, and McKenzie Locals Helping Locals.

Go Bags for Kids


Local Army Veteran Who Lost Home in Holiday Farm Fire Gets New Ride, Thanks to Students

Link: The Register-Guard

Spreading cheer during the holiday season!

In December 2023, our dedicated staff collaborated to contribute hams and turkeys sourced from Benedetti’s Meat Market & Deli to support the McKenzie River Food Pantry. We also rolled up our sleeves to prepare food and gift bags for local families.

Photos - Brandi Ferguson.

New (2024) holiday plans


Oregon Wildfire Recovery Summit 2023

October 2023 - Lane County and the University co-hosted the first Wildfire Recovery Summit for Oregon. All staff attended and Devin, Executive Director, was part of a panel with other LTRG leaders discussing ways to strengthen Oregon’s disaster recovery and build more resilient communities. McKenzie advocates also connected with Directors of state agencies. We are grateful for the opportunity to strengthen relationships and advocate for our community!

The photos feature leaders of Lincoln County LTRG, Jackson County Community LTRG, Glide Revitalization, and Santiam Canyon LTRG.

Collaboration with Oregon Housing and Community Services

October 2023 - We are grateful for our partners at Oregon Housing and Community Services, especially Director Andrea Bell. We dedicated a day to making a positive impact at the residence of survivors from the Holiday Farm Fire. Our teams not only worked diligently to assist a senior couple with cleanup efforts but also collaborated to establish defensible spaces, construct accessible walkways, and enhance the overall aesthetics of their newly restored home.

Please take a look at this video featuring Executive Director Devin Thompson taking a break from work to chat about programs we offer for those affected by the Holiday Farm Fire.

Rapid Rehousing Initiative


“We are McKenzie” night at McKenzie School

October 2023 - Nelda Engstrom, our Program Director, tabled at McKenzie School for parent-teacher conferences. We were honored to participate and connect with families about our services. The School is the anchor of our community and we value our connections and collaboration.

Advocating for our seniors

September 2023 - We had the pleasure of hosting Melisa from LCOG Senior and Disability Services, who shed light on the valuable services they offer. Our primary goal was to understand and improve support for the aging and disabled in the McKenzie Valley. Many of our clients and community members are seniors who may need unique solutions on their road to recovery.

We are fortunate to have dedicated partners to collaborate with including Gerry (Vida Community Center), Daisy (Orchid Health, McKenzie River Clinic), Lara and Andy (McKenzie Watershed Council / Pure Water Partners), and Terra and Matthew (Oregon Department of Human Services).

Wildfire Leadership Summit 2023 - After the Fire

September 2023 - For the past two years, we are grateful to have been invited to the Wildfire Leadership Summit held in Sonoma, CA. This conference brings together key groups from around the country to share stories and key lessons on wildfire recovery, preparedness, and mitigation. We have made vital connections at the conference and look forward future conferences.

The photo features members of the “Oregon delegation” including Eugene Water and Electric Board, Firebrand Resiliency Collective, McKenzie Community Land Trust, Lomakatsi Restoration Project, Rogue Food Unites, Oregon Housing and Community Services, and the Upper Willamette Soil & Water Conservation District.

Welcoming Braden, our RARE AmeriCorps Member 2023-2024

September 2023 - Braden joined our staff as the McKenzie Community Land Trust Program Associate, serving with RARE AmeriCorps program. In this partnership role, he will assist with website development, orchestrating tours for influential decision-makers and stakeholders, and lending invaluable support for the development of affordable and fire-resistant housing. Of course, we introduced him to all things McKenzie in his first few days with us! Photos - Brandi Ferguson

Video: Response to the 2023 Lookout and Bedrock Fires

September 2023 - Over the last few years, we have built strong relationships with local and state partners alike. The 2023 fire season put those relationships to the test and we successfully responded to smoke and heat related needs during the Lookout and Bedrock Fires. Thanks to our staff, volunteers, and partners, we established a Resource Center providing meals, gas cards, and respite from the heat and smoke. Additionally, we distributed 400 air purifiers and air conditioners in August and September to our most vulnerable residents.

Video: Collaboration with McKenzie Schools

Fall 2022 - We pride ourselves on the collaborative nature of our organization. When we learned two retired educators and coaches for McKenzie School were struggling to rebuild on their own, we connected them with the instructor and students of the McKenzie Shop class. The instructor quickly saw the opportunity to teach students the importance of helping their community and learning real life skills. The students traveled to the survivors home regularly to complete a deck for Dan and Mary’s home, making it safer and accessible.

Video: Perspectives from the River with Randy

Spring 2022 - Join Board Chair Randy Dersham on his beloved wooden drift boat as he describes our efforts to reach all community members affected by the fire. Our Board of Directors is comprised of local residents dedicated to seeing the McKenzie Valley recover and thrive.

Video: The Power of Community - Seth’s Testimonial

Spring 2022 - Check out the power of neighborly connections in Seth’s road to recovery. Seth’s neighbor Jim received assistance from us through the Unmet Needs Roundtable. Noticing that Seth was struggling to rebuild, Jim reached out to us to see if we could help. Program Director Nelda Engstrom connected Seth with the Oregon Department of Human Services to start working with Matthew Van Dyke, a Disaster Case Manager. With these connections, Seth was able to receive assistance from the Roundtable and other sources.